Saturday, February 18, 2006

Success Clues

Have you noticed that Success leaves Clues?

Well that is exactly what I have been noticing as I watch the people who are successful in our business.

I also know as you probably do as well is that if you do what successful people do then you too will be successful.

So here is brief look at just a short list of what I have noticed.
For a more detailed look please visit my Blog:

Successful People In Our Business:

1- Have A List
a. They not only have a list they are always growing their list.
b. They know that their confidence is as strong as their list is long.
c. A short list makes you desperate to sponsor the few people you have.
2- Practice Success Association
a. They attend every single phone call
b. They attend every single meeting
i. Even if they have no one new to bring out.
ii. They understand that you become who you hang out with and who you listen to (thus all the calls)
iii. They know that success attracts success and breeds more success.
3- They Are Teachable
a. They Listen – They Learn – They Act!
b. They Listen More Than They Speak – especially when they are in the presence of someone who is more successful than they are.
c. They understand The Science of Listening means not waiting to speak as soon as the person stops talking – but truly Listening!
4- WIT Attitude – Whatever It Takes
a. They have a Never-Say-Die Attitude
b. They Don’t Make Excuses
c. They will go Over, Under, Around or Through – What Ever It Takes – They DO!
5- Work as A Team
a. They are not Shy about asking their Leaders for Help
b. They seek the Team’s Support and in turn Provide The Team Support by attending meetings and Doing what They say They are Going To Do.
6- They Go After Success With Urgency
a. They don’t tinker and play around with it
b. They are in a huge hurry to grab their piece of the pie
c. They Hit it HARD
7- They Are Loyal To Their Downline, Upline and Company.
8- They Are Focused
a. For a while they put all their eggs in one basket.
b. That means they stay singularly focused
9- They Are Avid Readers – And Are Eventually Great Leaders
10- They are Passionate, Excited and Disciplined
a. They use their passion and excitement to Do Something EVERYDAY
b. Nothing stops them from doing that little bit or a lot each day
c. When they walk and they talk their passion and excitement draws people to them in droves.

You can take these Success Clues and apply them to our business or you can apply them to any business or venture in your life. If success was a gourmet meal this would be the recipe and if success were a Science then these would be its laws.

Use them diligently and you too can join us at the top!

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