Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Fruit On My Tree – The Second Secret

Over the years I have had an over exposure to people who talk big and do little. Talk is Cheap and so today I look for the fruit on the tree rather than try to figure out who is going to do what. I don’t pay much attention to those who say they are going RVP next week or SVP in 30 days. Actions speak louder than words!

In fact I get really concerned when someone starts to speak like that because I know that they are going to end up in that Black Hole where big talkers end up, never to be heard from again.

My mentor taught me a critical method to avoid the Big Talker Black Hole and that is the Second Secret:

2- Be Accountable

If you are an adult there is only one person responsible for your growth.


You can make excuses like I initially did, like I had no time and so on or you can make a little time each day.

You can blame others or you can say, “If it is to be, it is up to me!”

If you find it difficult to be accountable to yourself then find someone who can hold you accountable. I chose to have my mentor hold me accountable. It was a painful process at first because he would ask if I had done what I said I was going to do.

He taught me that Accountability simply meant that I have the Ability to Account for my Words with Actions.

These were the 5 rules he put in place for me to be accountable:

1- PLAN – He who fails to plan… Plans to Fail!
2- ACT – Consistently and Persistently Act on your Plan.
3- TRUTH – Be truthful to yourself or to the person you have chosen to hold you accountable.
4- CONGRUENCY – Align your Words with your Actions and DO what you SAY you are Going To Do.
5- TRACK – Keep an Account of your progress or Track your Results. Remember rule # 3 when doing this and don’t fudge the numbers the way some people do when they are golfing.

When you have a Plan and you are Acting on it and when you are being Truthful and Doing What You Say you will Do and Tracking your progress, people above you and below you will know that they can count on you and depend on you. You will then be given increasingly more responsibility and with all of that will come abundance.

That is what I was taught and I know and believe it to be true.
Make it your motto to “Do then talk about what you have Done”!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Pearls Of Wisdom

Winners always find a way!
When they come to an obsatcle they go over it, under it, around it or they move it out of the way. If you think you can't do this then find a Winner and follow!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Pearls Of Wisdom

No man can get rich himself unless he enriches others!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Fruit On My Tree – The First Secret

Now whenever people become successful there are always a few people that think it is luck. If you are one of those people and think like that, you will be waiting a very long time for some ‘luck’ to happen to you. Like waiting, wishing and praying that you win the lottery!

There is another way! And that is what my old and wise mentor I wrote about in my previous email, taught me.

These secrets if acted up on will provide your tree with the nourishment it needs to grow and sustain a big, strong and bountiful tree.

Here is the first of the 3 secrets:

1- Be Teachable

There is an old saying that says, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” So what happens when the teacher arrives and the student is not ready? If this email and maybe even the last one seems hokey or rubbish to you then save it for another time. The teacher has arrived a bit early.

If on the other hand some of this makes sense then the first secret is to be open to learning. Allow yourself to be taught.

Being teachable is being coachable and being willing to listen. When my mentors spoke I listened and took copious notes. I am so glad I did because today I need them for myself and for you.

If you have not noticed already, when I am around Super Dave I don’t do much talking. I want what he has so I listen. I take notes! I ask questions! I try not to get distracted because I don’t want to miss that one thing he might say that could get my tree closer to bearing even more fruit.

Teachers and Teachings come from many, many areas and you must be open to ALL those areas. In the beginning some of those teachers might be boring to you. Or they might preach too much for your liking. There is nothing wrong with those teachers. You might just need to grow a little bit more.

Finally, when you find the teachers that inspire you most and give you strength, follow them, listen to them and hang around them and their every word. Get yourself a journal and start writing and reviewing all that you learn. This is the fastest way to expedite your growth.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Pearls Of Wisdom

Before we can change the world we must change ourselves!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Pearls of Wisdom

Make your DREAMS & GOALS stronger than your FEARS so that you are driven by your Dreams & Goals and not your Fears!

The Fruit On My Tree – The Facts

I just want to share something with you that I had the good fortune of learning from a wonderful, enlightened and wealthy mentor of mine many years ago.

We were sitting in his back yard and I wanted to know what I needed to do to be as successful as he was.
In front of us were two apple trees.
One was very large and the other one he had just planted and therefore was very small.

He said, “You see those apple trees?”
“Look at the branches on that big tree. There are many branches and they are strong. Look at the fruit on the tree. The fruit are big and hopefully will be as sweet as they were last year.”

“Now look at the tree that I just planted,” he said pointing to the much smaller tree. “First it does not have that many branches. The few branches it does have are small and weak. Do you suppose it could support those big apples that are on the other tree?”

He went on to point out that no matter how much the smaller tree ‘desired’ to have fruit like the bigger tree it would be a disaster if in fact it got its wish. The tree needed to be nourished and it would have to weather the winds so that it became stronger.

It is no different with us he pointed out. Except we need to be responsible for our own nourishment and growth. He pointed out that the size of the fruit on my tree was always going to be directly proportionate to the ability of my tree to support those fruit.

He laid out a plan for me to grow myself so that one day I would be big enough to grow and support large fruit and then sustain it.

Lots of employees or lots of shareholders or lots of customers or lots of leaders and a huge downline are all fruit. If you have not been able to attract leaders or if you seem stuck or if you can’t seem to grow past a certain point as far as attracting more people into your downline then your tree is probably not big enough or strong enough.

Over the next few days I will share with you my old and wise mentor’s secret for nourishing and growing my tree. I followed his advice and today I am experiencing some pretty decent success. My tree has many branches. Three of those branches are strong and have strong branches of their own.

Our own leader in Toronto is another person who has a big solid tree with many strong branches and big healthy fruit.

How did he do it? How did I do it? Was that success created just over the last few months or the last couple of years?


Here is why I chose the name Freedom Train for this Blog.

in the early 19th century and continuing well up to the Civil War, the so-called freedom train was a secret and extensive network of people, places, and modes of transportation that led runaway slaves from the southern United States to freedom in the North and Canada.

Freedom was always on the minds of African American slaves and the news of the Underground Railroad gave them hope. Even though every single one of them needed to be free, a very small percentage had the courage and faith to leap on board.

What does all this have to do with our business?

I believe that we offer modern day wage-slaves or job-slaves a way to escape by building real income. Our modern-day Freedom Train also offers hope to people who always have Freedom on their minds. We too have something that everyone needs but not everyone will have the courage and faith to leap on board.

That’s Okay!

Those diligent workers lead by Harriet Tubman in the early 19th century, who persistently toiled under great risk to them, did so because they knew what was at stake. They believed in Freedom and they were determined to free the oppressed.

We too must stay true to our cause of freeing the masses from their oppressive financial burdens. We have the vehicle to accomplish this worthy goal. Some will follow; others will not; but in the end the world will be a better place.
