Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Fruit On My Tree – The Facts

I just want to share something with you that I had the good fortune of learning from a wonderful, enlightened and wealthy mentor of mine many years ago.

We were sitting in his back yard and I wanted to know what I needed to do to be as successful as he was.
In front of us were two apple trees.
One was very large and the other one he had just planted and therefore was very small.

He said, “You see those apple trees?”
“Look at the branches on that big tree. There are many branches and they are strong. Look at the fruit on the tree. The fruit are big and hopefully will be as sweet as they were last year.”

“Now look at the tree that I just planted,” he said pointing to the much smaller tree. “First it does not have that many branches. The few branches it does have are small and weak. Do you suppose it could support those big apples that are on the other tree?”

He went on to point out that no matter how much the smaller tree ‘desired’ to have fruit like the bigger tree it would be a disaster if in fact it got its wish. The tree needed to be nourished and it would have to weather the winds so that it became stronger.

It is no different with us he pointed out. Except we need to be responsible for our own nourishment and growth. He pointed out that the size of the fruit on my tree was always going to be directly proportionate to the ability of my tree to support those fruit.

He laid out a plan for me to grow myself so that one day I would be big enough to grow and support large fruit and then sustain it.

Lots of employees or lots of shareholders or lots of customers or lots of leaders and a huge downline are all fruit. If you have not been able to attract leaders or if you seem stuck or if you can’t seem to grow past a certain point as far as attracting more people into your downline then your tree is probably not big enough or strong enough.

Over the next few days I will share with you my old and wise mentor’s secret for nourishing and growing my tree. I followed his advice and today I am experiencing some pretty decent success. My tree has many branches. Three of those branches are strong and have strong branches of their own.

Our own leader in Toronto is another person who has a big solid tree with many strong branches and big healthy fruit.

How did he do it? How did I do it? Was that success created just over the last few months or the last couple of years?

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