Now whenever people become successful there are always a few people that think it is luck. If you are one of those people and think like that, you will be waiting a very long time for some ‘luck’ to happen to you. Like waiting, wishing and praying that you win the lottery!
There is another way! And that is what my old and wise mentor I wrote about in my previous email, taught me.
These secrets if acted up on will provide your tree with the nourishment it needs to grow and sustain a big, strong and bountiful tree.
Here is the first of the 3 secrets:
1- Be Teachable
There is an old saying that says, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” So what happens when the teacher arrives and the student is not ready? If this email and maybe even the last one seems hokey or rubbish to you then save it for another time. The teacher has arrived a bit early.
If on the other hand some of this makes sense then the first secret is to be open to learning. Allow yourself to be taught.
Being teachable is being coachable and being willing to listen. When my mentors spoke I listened and took copious notes. I am so glad I did because today I need them for myself and for you.
If you have not noticed already, when I am around Super Dave I don’t do much talking. I want what he has so I listen. I take notes! I ask questions! I try not to get distracted because I don’t want to miss that one thing he might say that could get my tree closer to bearing even more fruit.
Teachers and Teachings come from many, many areas and you must be open to ALL those areas. In the beginning some of those teachers might be boring to you. Or they might preach too much for your liking. There is nothing wrong with those teachers. You might just need to grow a little bit more.
Finally, when you find the teachers that inspire you most and give you strength, follow them, listen to them and hang around them and their every word. Get yourself a journal and start writing and reviewing all that you learn. This is the fastest way to expedite your growth.
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