Friday, February 03, 2006

Learning From Successful People – Simon Cowell

BusinessWeek Online Staff Writer Stacy Perman about entrepreneurialism, success, reality TV, and the new show that will combine them all.

What would you consider essential to being a successful entrepreneur?

1-Work hard
2- Be patient
3- And be a sponge while learning your business.
4- Learn how to take criticism.
5- Follow your gut instincts and don't compromise.

What role has failure played in you career? For instance, your label Fanfare Records went under in 1989, and your reality show Cupid was canceled in 2003.

When I was 30 the company that owned Fanfare went bust, and I effectively lost everything. I had to move in with my parents. In hindsight, it was the best thing that happened in my life.

Because I learned:
1- The value of money: not to borrow money and not to live beyond my means.
2- And I learned that getting there is more fun than being there.
3- But one thing that I have always been able to do is to own up to my mistakes and not blame others.As for Cupid, we compromised. We allowed other people to make decisions for us, [but] I don't blame anybody but myself for allowing that to happen.

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