Winston Churchill said “The price of greatness is responsibility” and that should serve as an excellent reminder for each us who have achieved a measure of greatness in this wonderful business of ours. In fact as we climb up the ladder of success with this company, and we will, we need to remember that we will have legions of people looking up to us for guidance and holding us up as examples of how great men and women should look, talk and behave.
Network Marketing is unlike any regular job out there, where when you are not at work you are not on stage. In this business you are always on stage. Whether you are at the supermarket or at a hockey game you never know which downline might be pointing to you and speaking of you with admiration. Don’t let them down by being off guard.
So to help you out a bit I have put together a few points that some of you might not find foreign at all. This is what it takes to be G.R.E.A.T.
1- G is for Grooming! You are a successful, respected, well-liked businessperson. Do you always look the part?
a. Here is the suggested dress code for all public meetings:
i. RVP’s and would-be RVP’s should always be dressed like they are going to a business meeting because that is exactly what you are doing – therefore dress shirt & pant and jacket. Take it from someone who knows the fashion business: You don’t need to spend a million bucks to look like a million bucks.
ii. Presenters should ALWAYS be in a tie. Now don’t get technical with me female presenters – you know what I mean. If you need any ideas just pick up any business magazine and see how business people dress.
b. When you are out and about you don’t need to wear a suit to the supermarket but maybe a raggedy sweat suit is not fitting of your newfound stature either.
2- R is for Respect and Responsibility!
a. You have a responsibility to help without being asked and all of you do that so well. You also have a responsibility to meet and greet everyone even if they are not ‘Your’ people.
b. Out of respect for your upline, downline and company when at a UPM meeting keep it ALL UPM!
3- E is for Edification! Edification is the process of building up or uplifting someone.
a. In this business we Edify our upline by saying wonderful, yet true things about them. The magic of Edification takes place when that upline in turn says something good about us. The effect if done well on both sides can be like waving a magic wand over your business.
b. A key point to remember is that Edification MUST work BOTH WAYS! I have already noticed that some leaders Edify really well but their upline’s don’t re-edify them in return or do a poor job of it.
c. Failure to Edify can sometimes seem like de-edification and can likewise have a disastrous effect on your business.
4- A is for Action which as you know speaks louder than words!
a. Do what you say you are going to do
b. More importantly DO what you are telling your people to DO.
c. And DO IT like you want them to do it.
5- T is for Teaching! Teach what you know through your example and what you do. When you tell people what to do that is called Preaching. People rarely learn from Preachers but more often than not they learn from Teachers.
That is how G.R.E.A.T is lived and greatness begets more greatness, which in turn begets more wealth and fame and all that you desire!
Learn these things while you are still leading a few because soon we will all be leading many.
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