Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Fruit On My Tree - The Action Plan

When my mentor first showed me this Action Plan I thought he was nuts. I was working 60 to 80 hours a week and stressed beyond belief. That is the reason I had sought his advice.

He simply encouraged me to begin by setting small goals. Small enough so that I could do what I said I was going to do and thus Be Accountable.

Slowly we increased the size of those goals until one day a couple of years later I noticed what had happened. I was spending more time learning and less time working and still earning the same amount of money.

Today I find the more I learn, the more I earn and the less I work. Isn’t that where we all want to be? If you agree then lets get started with my mentor’s 5 Step Action Plan which I will share with you over the next few weeks. I do this because that is how my mentor got me started. Doing just one thing at a time instead of overwhelming me with too much all at one time.

Step 1 of 5 – The Education Action Plan


It is said that readers become leaders. And people follow leaders!

Now I have always been a reader but the stuff I was reading, like John Grisham novels, were not making me any money and had no potential to make me money. I started reading stuff like Think and Grow Rich and The Magic of Thinking Big and suddenly things began to change.

The next problem many people have is that they have no time. You see the right type of reading is like putting fuel in your car. Can you imagine not having the time to fuel up your car? Eventually you will run out of gas.

When my mentor first spoke to me about effective reading I had already run out of gas. And many of you might be in the same place today. If you are you need to make the time. Even if it is only ten minutes a day!

If you are not a seasoned ‘effective reader’ a great place to start is with The Magic Of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. I have just picked up this book again and have started to read it for the seventh time.

Let’s read it together and share our thoughts on this Blog.

By the way a great way to get rid of the weeds in your mental garden is to read. So read and weed and soon you will lead yourself and many, many others to the promised land of financial prosperity.

Step 2 of 5 – The Education Action Plan


Originally I intended to only share one of these steps at a time. The reason I want to get into it right now is that there are so many seminars that you can go to for free. Sure they pitch you stuff but they also give you a lot of knowledge to help you grow.

One seminar that has been so effective for me has been The Millionaire Mind Intensive. There is one coming up in Calgary, Alberta from November 11th to the 13th. If you do not have a ticket and would like one please email me and I will send you a special reference code you can use to get yourself registered.

Seminars are an excellent way to grow and meet people as well. Don’t underestimate the power of what one seminar can do for you. Within four months of my First Millionaire Mind seminar I had quit my job. Sure I had the right vehicle but then again how many of you have that same vehicle? They teach that the Roots determine the Fruits on a tree. That seminar helped me get healthy roots and today the fruits are bountiful.

Once again beware of that financially fatal disease called Excusitis. If you’re saying I can’t get the day off – that is precisely the reason to go. I called in sick when I went a year ago. I wasn’t lying! I was Sick! I was sick of not having money! I was sick of being told when I could take my vacation. I was sick of working for someone else.

Today I am happy to report I am not sick anymore!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Pearls Of Wisdom

Don’t let the things that you can’t do today stop you from doing the things that you can do.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Fruit On My Tree – The Third Secret

All of my mentors put a very high priority on Education but not the kind of education one received in the traditional schools of higher learning. One of my mentors when asked would say that the only degree he had was a PhD in Life!

Another mentor, a doctor, with many, many degrees and a highly respected Cancer Specialist had printed behind his Network Marketing Business Card “Even thermometers have degrees but look where we shove them”. If you are too young to get this one ask your parents where they used to shove thermometers in the old days.

Every mentor of mine stressed this third and most critical secret – no matter the cost:

3- Get an Education

It is said that when Knowledge Meets Opportunity, Success Usually Follows! Today there is virtually no reason why one cannot attain all the knowledge they desire on any subject.

The old excuse that it is too expensive, does not hold true today. Given the Internet, Libraries and Free Seminars that are available to everyone, getting an education has never been more affordable.

The other excuse of having no time is probably more valid but should not be acceptable. We should always be able to MAKE time for the important things in life. And that is the key! How important is success to you? How strong is your desire for success (the fruit on your tree)? If the desire is strong and you believe it is important then you will wake up early, when everyone else is in bed and execute your Education Action Plan that will follow next.

We have an awesome opportunity in our hands. So if you are not already successful or if you are not as successful as you would like to be (and that’s where I am) then it might be a case of Opportunity seeking more Knowledge, rather than knowledge meeting Opportunity.

I hope you decide to Grow Now and Grow Fast so you can take advantage of the opportunity at hand.

Next I will share the Action Plan my mentor created for me. To say that it has drastically changed my life in every way would be an understatement.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Pearls Of Wisdom

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.